Commission finishing

We gives textiles additional features and functions.

Commission finishing

Commission finishing

Commission finishing

Todays textiles not only look good and feel good, swisstulle AG also gives them additional features and functions. With our wide range of mechanical and chemical equipment, we provide modern and innovative materials. Wir garantieren zuverlässig die spezifizierten Anforderungen und veredeln zu strapazierfähigen und hochwertigen Produkten.

Thanks to our modern machinery and the many years of experience of our employees, we give your textiles character.

Quality management

In our in-house laboratories (not accredited) we can offer you a variety of tests according to a given standard.
Physical laboratory, such as: tear resistance, maximum tensile strength, bending stiffness, embroidery test, bursting pressure, rubbing fastness, burning tests, etc.
Refining laboratory such as: lab dipping in DIN A4, finishing settings, recipe management

Unsere Produkte



Fixing / Dressing

Fixing / Dressing



Hand stenter frame

Hand stenter frame

Your contact partners

External finishing