More than 100 years of experience have made us what we are today: one of the continental market leaders for traditional genuine bobbinet tulle and technical knitted fabrics. At the eurocentric location in Switzerland, we develop and produce innovative, high-quality knitted fabrics and tulle for our customers worldwide. In addition to our manufacturing know-how and a high level of development expertise, we have great innovative strength. Highest quality, reliable delivery and absolute customer satisfaction are among the characteristic features of our company. With our technical textiles, e.g. in the sun protection sector, we meet the highest demands from the automotive industry. In doing so, we play a key role in ensuring that our customers are successful with their products.
The foundation of the swisstulle AG (formerly Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Tüllindustrie AG) on 21.12.1912 goes back to the heyday of the embroidery industry. The source of the large demand of tulle, at that time, was almost exclusively from abroad. The impetus to make tulle in Switzerland, however, came not from the embroidery industry but from a shrewd market observer. After some quarrels with the authorities (prohibition of night work) the production started at the current location in 1913. Today’s combination of tulle production with the refinement/ finishing process (washing, fixing, dyeing, equip) dates also back to the foundation of the company.